bovidaeloony's Avatar
10 November 2024 (3 months ago)

This zoo is a little different than most in design. Towards the entrance are the indoor exhibits, buildings and small enclosures. Beyond these lie the main part of the zoo. The main section is built around a hike-and-bike trail; long enclosures curve around the sprawling paths , allowing room for multispecies exhibits where the animals can easily get out of sight and spread out.  This allows for enrichment as there are areas they do not explore every day, as well as visual barriers needed to prevent stress. Because the habitats are long and somewhat shallow, guests can usually find a good vantage point to view the animals but will probably have to walk to get there. 

The design of the zoo makes it uniquely well suited for hoofstock, which form the backbone of the zoo's collection. The zoo's focus is on breeding critically endangered species by allowing the animals enough space to form territories and not feel stressed by their surroundings. 


Zoo goals:

  • House as many antelope species as we can
  • Have realistic sex ratios for herd animals (2-3 females per male) 
  •  Have multi species exhibits based on location and compatibility whenever reasonably possible 
  • Have a breeding pair in every enclosure, preferably those in need of conservation
  • Obtain lineaged animals when possible for realism
  • Use all quest tokens earned
62240 Zoo Dollars
40 Reputation

Escape Quest Token

Vet Quest Token

Storm Quest Token

Storm Quest Token


Veterinary Excellence Award

Conservation Award

Conservation Excellence Award



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