Black Myotis Release
Prompt 1 | Vet Check
Slowly Aspen Moon Preserve was beginning to grow and bring in new animals, as well as welcomed a litter of Grey Wolves. Persephone had also signed up for a Wildlife Release program where she would be contacted and sent animals to help get them ready to be released back into the wild. Soon enough Persephone was contacted about her first release candidate, a young male Black Myotis, a species of Bat from South and Central America. Persephone agreed to housing and working with the small animal in hopes of being able to help rehabilitate and release the young male bat back into the wild.
When the Black Myotis arrived at Aspen Moon Preserve, Persephone had him put in the quarantine building in case he had contracted any diseases on the trip to Aspen Moon Preserve from South America where he originated from. The young male was injured, the whole reason why he was in the program in the first. He had injured his wing recently and was currently unable to fly. At the moment Persephone was the sole staff of Aspen Moon Preserve, which thankfully she had not only a degree in Wildlife Biology but also in Zoological Veterinary Medicine, meaning she could perform the small and simple Veterinary procedures at the moment, but any big surgeries and complications would require an outside Veterinarian.
Upon arrival, Persephone decided to name the young bat, Vinny for the time being. She knew she couldn’t get too close and attached, he would have to return back to the wild at some point, but she felt that he should have a name for now. Persephone drew some of Vinny’s blood and placed it into vials to be sent off to a clinic to be tested. After the vials had been drawn, Vinny was placed into a small temporary enclosure that Persephone had gotten ready for him days before his arrival. Once Vinny had been settled into his new home Persephone headed into the quarantine office and got on the computer, logging into her emails and pulling up Vinny’s files from South America. She looked over them, studying the X-Rays of his wing and reading their veterinarian's recommendation of a healing plan. Persephone nodded, agreeing with what they had proposed. She then logged off the computer and grabbed the vials to head into town to the clinic so they could test them. Persephone hoped that everything would come back negative.[405 Words]
Prompt 2 | Finding Food
Soon enough the results from the blood tests came back and Vinny was negative for all diseases, but before he could move into a larger enclosure for rehabilitation, he had to heal first. The young male bat had come to Aspen Moon Preserve with an injured wing and inability to fly due to the injury. It took a few weeks but finally Vinny’s wing had healed enough that he felt comfortable using it and had begun flying short distances. Now that his wing was healed and his tests negative, Persephone moved him to a larger enclosure in their Critter Corner where an assortment of reptiles, aquatic animals, insects, small animals and other critters were housed in a large walk through area.
While in quarantine Vinny was fed mainly grasshoppers, spiders and other small non or limited flying bugs but now that he was healed and in a larger enclosure Persephone wanted to expand his diet to include flying bugs. If he was going to return to the wild, he would need to be able to feed himself and not all bugs in the wild are going to be easy to catch. Persephone then began to add in moths, butterflies and other larger and flying insects. She also offered Vinny fruits native to his country, tied up in the foliage of the enclosure to simulate being found in a tree or bush.
Soon enough Vinny was getting back on track with his hunting and ability to feed himself. Persephone was quite proud of the progress that bat had made. He was slowly getting closer and closer to being able to be released. Vinny’s diet and appetite was improving nicely and Persephone was happy with how quickly he was progressing in his journey.
During one of the feedings, Persephone had come and brought some large moths in for the young bat, releasing them just before the bat should be waking up. Persephone then exited the enclosure and went out to the front of it to watch the bat feed, hoping he would awake from his slumber soon. After a while Vinny did awake and ventured out from the makeshift cave he had chosen to slumber in. He looked around and soon caught sight of one of the moths, honing in on it as he began to feel the hunger.
Vinny then took flight, quickly chasing after the moth. When the moth noticed the bat chasing after it, it grew frantic, darting all over the place, trying not to be caught by the much larger creature. Vinny maneuvered after the moth, dipping and diving along with it and soon recognizing the pattern of which it went. With in no time, Vinny had successfully captured the moth and was able to commence his feast. Persephone watched in delight, glad he was recovering so quickly. Soon he would be all ready to be released back into the wild.[483 Words]
Prompt 3 | Social Skills
When Vinny was first moved in from the small quarantine box into the much larger enclosure which simulated his natural environment, he was placed in a box and left in the enclosure to venture out on his own. The enclosure had a few different areas similar to where a bat may head to sleep. Vinny stayed in the box for awhile, he was rather leery of the humans, which was good, Persephone didn’t want him getting too friendly and then seeking them out.
Once Vinny was sure he was safe, he ventured out from the box and into the enclosure looking around before beginning to explore. He quickly took flight and moved about the enclosure, soon finding a spot for shelter. He wandered inside the makeshift rock cave which was empty at the moment. There were in fact other bats there, they were just sleeping in other areas at the moment and Vinny had not yet discovered them, though he had smelled them and knew they were there. For the time being though Vinny was tired and he soon took to roost in the little cave, falling asleep.
Vinny awoke after the other bats and this was evident when he opened his eyes to see two at the entrance to his shelter. Vinny hopped down from where he had been sleeping and spread his wings, flapping them. “Hello there.” He said to the other bats in a cautious tone. “I’m Vinny.” He offered his name.
“Hey, I’m Iris and this is Fleck.” The smaller of the two bats said, moving so that Vinny could come out from the shelter. “Nice to meet you.” Iris said.
“Nice to meet you.” Fleck said in a gruff tone. The other bat was clearly older and had a few scars. He was wary of other bats and preferred his solitude but for some reason Iris had taken a liking to him and he felt protective over the young bat.
Vinny looked at Fleck and gave him a curious look but paid the gruff tone no mind. “I’m glad to finally have some friends now, I’ve been by myself ever since I hurt my wing and the humans brought me in from outside.” Vinny said, smiling softly as he looked at the other bats, exiting the entrance and looking around the enclosure.
“Oh wow, you’re from the outside?” Iris said her eyes were shining bright. “I was born in a place like this, I’ve never been outside. Fleck has though, he was born out there too!” Iris said with a nod.
“Hmm.” Fleck said, not really offering any other words. He wasn’t really one for conversation. Though now that he saw the other bat didn’t seem like too much of a problem, he decided to leave Iris to her conversation and flew off.
“Bit of a grump huh?” Vinny said in a joking manner.
“He’s just not too friendly, he’s been through a lot.” Iris said, glancing in the direction that Fleck had flown off in. “But tell me more about you.” She said, looking back to Vinny.
Soon enough the two were chatting about their life and experiences.[524 Words]
Prompt 4 | Release
After what felt like no time at all to Persephone, Vinny was ready to be released back into the wild. Vinny had felt like it had taken forever, he was definitely ready to get back to the wild and hopefully find his family again. He greatly missed his family and wanted nothing more than to get back to them. Persephone loaded Vinny up into a carrying cargo for the plane ride. This was her first release and she was going along for the ride to witness it. She had hired a few people to take care of the zoo while she was gone.
Persephone and Vinny then left for the airport, getting on a plane and flying out to Bolivia where Vinny had originally came from. Not only would this be her first time witnessing a release, this would be her first time out of the country. Persephone was honoured to have been given the opportunity to help with Vinny and to be able to watch his release. Vinny grew impatient on the plane ride over, he knew they were on a long ride and hoped that had meant he was going home. It had been a very long ride the last time when he was caught and brought in from the wild.
Soon enough Persephone and Vinny had landed in Bolivia, the familiar smells came to Vinny as they exited the plane. He grew even more excited, he was home! He was finally home! Persephone then went and met up with the people in charge of helping release Vinny. After chatting for a while they got in a vehicle and drove to their wildlife sanctuary. It was still rather early in the day and they would be releasing Vinny later in the evening after the sun had begun it’s descent in the sky and the bats were most active. In the meantime, Persephone was given a tour of the sanctuary while Vinny was offered some food and a larger area to stretch his wings before he was released in a few hours.
When the sun had begun to lower in the sky, Persephone and the others gathered Vinny and then began to head out to the general location where the young bat had been captured. They followed a pin they had placed on their gps at the time of the capture, wanting to make sure he was returned to the same area in which he came from. Vinny squeaked softly as the smells grew more and more familiar, they were heading to his home. Soon enough the group halted and spoke softly a bit, looking around and watching for other bats. They had wanted to wait until they seen a few to release Vinny, in hopes that they were the same bats from his colony.
Once a couple bats had been spotted fluttering about the evening sky, Persephone was given the okay to open the crate, releasing Vinny. The bat slowly stepped towards the opening of the crate before jumping and flapping his wings, taking to the sky and quickly finding his family, greeting them excitedly as he was welcomed back warmly.[523 Words]
Submitted By SkyWolfSpirit
Submitted: 1 month ago ・
Last Updated: 1 month ago