Vet Quest Token
Oh no, one of your animals is sick!
This token allows you to submit a quest: Healing the Sick
Storm Quest Token
A severe storm has hit your zoo. Keep your animals safe by any means necessary!
This token allows you to submit a quest: A Storm is Brewing
Ambassador Quest Token
Your animal has been chosen as an animal ambassador! How will they demonstrate the best qualities of their species?
This token allows you to submit a quest: Animal Ambassadors
Escape Quest Token
Uh oh, your animal escaped! How do you get your animal back into their enclosure?
This token allows you to submit a quest: The Great Escape
Overrun Quest Token
Your zoo is suffering from an infestation! What's taking over your zoo and how will you combat it?
This token allows you to submit a quest: Being Overrun
Fight Quest Token
Two of your animals have gotten into a fight! Better sort it out.
This token allows you to submit a quest: Picking a Fight