
<a href=" Jar" class="display-item">Specimen Jar</a>

Specimen Jar

Category: Premium

Resale Value: 50000 Zoo Dollars


Breeds two animals of ANY species to create a wacky hybrid!

Gene Paintbrush

Category: Premium

Resale Value: 100000 Zoo Dollars

Using this item, you can create a new animal species. The animal must belong to an existing extant genus, must have realistic colors, and should only have features that a similar species has. For example, you could create a black sabertooth lion species but NOT a pink lion species with antlers. The animal must have a "breed sheet" showing the distinguishing features of the animal, what biome it lives in, it's conservation status, and whether it is a carnivore, herbivore, ect. DM Whispen to redeem this item. You will be given one of your animals, and they will be added to our generators.

Species Sponsor

Category: Premium

Allows you to "sponsor" an animal and have them added to the game. Also gives you a male and female of the species.

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