Submission (#384) Approved

10 November 2024, 14:06:54 UTC (3 months ago)
12 November 2024, 02:20:10 UTC (3 months ago) by bvnny
Stephanie was asleep in her bungalow on the zoo grounds. She was laid in bed with Opal to the side of her, tucked neatly under her arm. She was comfortable. She was snoring.

On the other side of the grounds, the wolf pack were stalking a rabbit along the fence line of their enclosure when Granite charged into the barrier, creating a mighty rattle that scared the rabbit off into the underbrush. Granite yelped and barked as he found himself stuck in a hole in the fencing. The surrounding animals barked at him as he stumbled back into the grass, the fence appeared to have been damaged further by his struggling.

The smaller members of the pack quickly squeezed through. Niamh, Hail and Pixie sped off after the rabbit, leaving Granite, Lotus and Faoladh to watch. The remaining trio were amped up by the rest of the packs barking, soon finding a way to open the fence further and follow after them.

Joining back together the pack wandered the zoo late into the night. They roamed the zoo, exploring nooks and watching the nocturnal animals pottering about their enclosures while the others slept. Faoladh lead the pack around, past the sites security cameras and into the backstage areas of the zoo. The pack had never come this way before, but there was a familiar scent on the air and they soon understood where they were heading.

Standing at a fence, the pack looked around at each other as if wondering what the plan from here was. Surely Faoladh didn't expect them to jump the fence? Oh, in fact, he did. They watched, seemingly dumbfounded as Faoladh disappeared over the fence. As they joined him, they realised he could not be seen, until Pixie clocked the dog door wobbling. One by one, the pack slipped inside.

The bed dipped as Stephanie awoke, "Opal?" She grumbled as she blinked into the darkness. She felt for the switch on her lamp and froze at the sight of the wolf pack clambering onto her bed and getting comfortable on the rug. Sitting up, Stephanie checked that they were at least all there, "Faoladh, Pixie, Lotus, Hail, Granite, Niamh..." She looked down as Opal, who had crawled over to cuddle up with Faoladh and Pixie on the other half of the bed. With a sigh, Stephanie reached for her phone, "Are you aware the wolf pack has escaped? ... Yeah, they're in my bedroom."

She had to admit, it was pretty adorable seeing them come to her to sleep when they escaped.

426 words
2 lit
1 staff
2 quest

5 rolls

Wasn't sure who should and shouldn't get fame
Reward Amount
Storm Quest Token 1
Zoo Dollars 3000
Reputation 1
Thumbnail for ANI-307: Lotus

ANI-307: Lotus

Reward Amount
Fame (Currencies) 5
Thumbnail for ANI-277: Pixie

ANI-277: Pixie

Reward Amount
Fame (Currencies) 5
Thumbnail for ANI-278: Granite

ANI-278: Granite

Reward Amount
Fame (Currencies) 5
Thumbnail for ANI-279: Hail

ANI-279: Hail

Reward Amount
Fame (Currencies) 5
Thumbnail for ANI-753: Niamh

ANI-753: Niamh

Reward Amount
Fame (Currencies) 5
Thumbnail for STAFF-029: Stephanie

STAFF-029: Stephanie

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for STAFF-030: Opal

STAFF-030: Opal

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for ANI-750: Faoladh

ANI-750: Faoladh

Reward Amount
Fame (Currencies) 5

These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Escape Quest Token Received rewards for submission (#207) N/A 1