Submission (#382) Approved

10 November 2024, 13:37:29 UTC (3 months ago)
12 November 2024, 02:19:38 UTC (3 months ago) by bvnny
"Faoladh has been itching his ear an awful lot lately." Stephanie said as she stood at the side of the holding pen besides their on site vet. She quietly glanced between the wolf and the vet - afterall, he was the zoo owner's prized animal. He was unique. He was rare. He was special.
"Well, without getting a close look, I would guess that he probably has a ear infection." The vet said, watching the lilac and white coloured wolf pace in the small holding enclosure. Faoladh scratched at the door, ready to be returned to the main enclosure with the rest of the pack. "We will try him on a course of antibiotics. I'll leave some ear wash with you, if you can use it on him."
"Oh, he's a baby. He was handraised by the owner. We can practically do anything." Stephanie smiled warmly as she whistled to the wolf, who came back over the barrier between them and sat. He tongue lolled from his mouth as he looked up at the two humans.

The wolf looked at Stephanie as he slowly spat the pill onto the floor, his eyes big and innocent. She had wrapped it in ham. She had pushed it into bread. She had put it in peanut butter. She had tried using pate and liver paste.
"Please Faoladh, just take the pill. Please."

Opal, Stephanie's gluten detection dog, sat besides her human on the other side of the barrier. She was happily sampling all the food that Stephanie offered to the wolf, as she was there to show it was good, yummy and edible.

For her final attempt, Stephanie cut a pocket into a chunk of diced beef and pushed the pill into the small pouch. She then passed a chunk to Opal before passing a chunk to Faoladh too, but his had the pill inside. He speedily chomped it down and swallowed audibly.
"Really? Raw beef was all I had to use?" Stephanie sighed and rolled her eyes as she looked between the two canines, both of which seemed rather happy with themselves after having sampled almost all the options that Stephanie could think to offer up to them. Tomorrow, Faoladh would spit the pill out the beef and the whole act would start all over again. it seemed that Faoladh and Opal made a good team, at least, when it came to getting food out of Stephanie.

410 words

2 lit
1 staff
2 quest

5 rolls
Thumbnail for STAFF-029: Stephanie

STAFF-029: Stephanie

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for STAFF-030: Opal

STAFF-030: Opal

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for ANI-750: Faoladh

ANI-750: Faoladh

Reward Amount
Fame (Currencies) 5

These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Vet Quest Token Received rewards for submission (#207) N/A 1